2012 consultation responses
Please let us know if you would like a copy of a response in another format
Panel response to Citizens Advice: Consumer Futures Dec-12 (PDF 180KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to BIS consultation: midata Sep-12 (PDF 194KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to PhonepayPlus ICSS Sep-12 (PDF 161KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to DCMS Communications Review Sep-12 (PDF 158KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to Simplifying non-geographic numbers Jun-12 (PDF 120KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to ADR review Jun-12 (PDF 36KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to Switching consultation May-12 (PDF 115KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to DMOL May-12 (PDF 63KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to DTT coexistence Apr-12 (PDF 68KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to Consumer Focus workplan Mar-12 (PDF 57KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to combined spectrum award Mar-12 (PDF 181KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to Ofcom draft Annual Plan Feb-12 (PDF 156KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to Berec Broadband Promotion Jan-12 (PDF 196KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to PhonepayPlus Extension of Regulation Jan-12 (PDF 101KB, opens in a new window)
Panel response to PhonepayPlus workplan Jan-12 (PDF 95KB, opens in a new window)