Consumers need simple information to control their online data
29 March 2012
Responding to the publication today of Ofcom’s Adults Media Use and Attitudes report, Communications Consumer Panel Chair Bob Warner said:
“The report shows that the internet now plays an ever increasing role in many consumers’ lives. However, people over 65 are still less likely to be online, and more likely to say that they don’t intend to get the internet at home. The Panel fears that people who are offline face an increased risk of disadvantage in accessing essential services and information online as they become digital by default.
“The Panel is also concerned that nearly a quarter of online users admitted they never read the terms and conditions (T&Cs) and privacy statements before deciding whether to use a site or service - an issue highlighted in the Panel’s research last year. We would like to see companies provide simple opt-in/opt-out tools – rather than the complex small print of company terms and conditions and privacy policies.
“Consumers will only genuinely be empowered using the online world if they have enough information about the implications of releasing their data and control over it.”
Consumers need simple information to control their online data (PDF 117KB, opens in a new window)
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