Ofcom Consumer Panel welcomes report by the Consumer Expert Group
11 October 2004
The Ofcom Consumer Panel - the independent body set up to advise Ofcom on consumer interests in the broadcasting and telecommunications sectors - today welcomed the report by the Consumer Expert Group into consumer issues related to digital switchover.
Colette Bowe , Chairman of the Ofcom Consumer Panel, said:
"The Consumer Panel welcomes the careful work done by the Consumer Expert Group to identify consumer issues, especially for the most vulnerable groups, related to digital switchover. The report includes many helpful pointers on practical issues that we will be following up in our own work to ensure that the most vulnerable in society face minimum risks through the switchover process."
On 22 July 2004, the Ofcom Consumer Panel was invited by the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport to prepare a report on the measures needed to ensure that the interests of the most vulnerable consumers are protected through the transition to digital. Work on this report is on-going with the Panel seeking advice and information from a wide range of consumer groups, community groups and industry.
Ofcom Consumer Panel welcomes report by the Consumer Expert Group (PDF 11KB, opens in a new window)
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