New communications consumer system must continue to provide powerful advocacy
21 June 2011
Commenting on the publication today of Consumer empowerment and protection: consultation on reform to the institutional landscape of consumer bodies, Communications Consumer Panel Chair Bob Warner said he was pleased to see that the Government would be looking at ways of enhancing consumer representation in communications.
“Whatever system is implemented in the new consumer landscape model, it must provide effective advocacy for consumers and citizens in the vital area of communications.”
“To be a powerful advocate for consumers, it is essential that any consumer advocacy body representing communications consumers has the right to be consulted early by regulators, the ability to help shape future policy, and strong links with consumer bodies in the Nations”, he explained, adding: “The new arrangements must have adequate resources and sector-specific expertise and involvement, particularly in a complex sector like communications to maximise the benefit for consumers.”
“The pace of change in the communications sector and a proposed new Communications Bill mean that it is even more important for consumers to have a strong voice in this debate. The Consumer Panel will continue to use its expertise to deliver the best possible outcomes for communications consumers while the future model is debated,” Bob Warner concluded.
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