18 January 2009
Welcome to the first Communications Consumer Panel blog. Each of the ten members of the Panel will be blogging here from time to time; talking about the things the Panel is doing and the activities each of us is involved with in our work to further the interests of consumers and citizens in communications. You can find all the formal business of the Panel's work recorded on this web site, and all our publications and research are also made available here. But if you want to know who we have been talking to, where we have been speaking, and what we have been saying - the blog is the place for you.
Some examples of the things we might have blogged about in the past are:
- the meeting we had with the Digital Britain team last week presenting some new consumer research on the future of communications policy
- the discussions we had with mobile phone companies before Christmas about longstanding consumer issues such as: accessing 999 services and the time it takes to port a mobile number from one company to another
Some examples of things we will be blogging about soon are:
- the publication of the consumer research we presented to Digital Britain
- the Panel's response to the Government's Digital Inclusion Action Plan
- a round up of fast speed broadband initiatives being taken by regional and local groups
- a new draft work plan for 2009/10
You can keep up-to-date with the blog and our work by signing up to the RSS feed on this page. Please give us your feedback on the content or the substance of the blog, so we can develop it over the coming months. We look forward to hearing from you.
Categories: News releases