Speaking for England
04 February 2010
Ofcom has four territorial advisory bodies: one each for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The relevant country member from the Ofcom Content Board and the Communications Consumer Panel attend these quarterly meetings, so I go along to the Advisory Committee for England (ACE) in my capacity as the Panel Member for England. Today I was at Riverside House for the latest ACE meeting.
There was an excellent discussion on the future of radio which highlighted that we now need to see radio as a format (audio) rather than as a platform (your radio set) because 'radio' is now being listened to on a variety of platforms including the television set, the personal computer, the mobile phone and the MP3 player.
We discussed Ofcom's work on mobile coverage and the work of the regulator's International Team and we were advised on planned changes to the advertising code for television.
Also we were given up-dates on the Digital Economy Bill - which will complete its Committee Stage in the Lords on Tuesday - and how the forthcoming General Election will affect Ofcom. I reported on the forthcoming Work Plan of the Consumer Panel.
Finally a couple of ACE colleagues talked about their visit in personal capacities to the annual Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas in early January. Apparently the buzz was all about tablet computers and 3D HD television.
All in all, a fascinating meeting.
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