Communications Consumer Panel's comment on Ofcom's report on consumer satisfaction in telecoms
30 April 2019
In light of today's publication by Ofcom of its third annual Comparing Service Quality Report, which sets out how service levels compare across the telecoms sector, Panel Chair, Rick Hill, said:
“Ofcom's report shows good levels of satisfaction for many consumers but on closer inspection shows that there are still areas for significant improvement.
Our recent research into what happens when people make a complaint to a telecom provider reveals that some people are left feeling as though they are still going round in circles (as the title of our research report suggests).
We believe that providers should work to achieve higher standards. They ought to:
- develop customer charters outlining the service people can expect when things go wrong
- improve contact arrangements with customers
- provide greater levels of support for people in vulnerable circumstances
- increase awareness of ADR
We have recently published our plans to work with industry and consumer groups to promote good and fair practice for all consumers. We look forward to developing these to improve experiences when things go wrong for consumers.”
Rick Hill MBE, Chair of the Communications Consumer Panel and Panel Member for Northern Ireland
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