Another NGA conference
26 May 2010
This week, I went to Bridgwater to attend the first in a new series of conferences on next generation access organised by the Independent Networks Cooperative Association (INCA). I chaired a workshop on "Partnership Building in NGA".
The event was held in the South-West Region, the largest in England and one of the few which is likely to retain a Regional Development Agency. Around 20% of the region does not currently meet the universal broadband commitment of 2 Mbit/s and most of the region is likely to fall into the 'final third' in terms of next generation broadband (although Cornwall is expected to obtain a promise of EU funding soon).
The conference was very supportive of local initiatives to take NGA to parts of the country where the market will not deliver but was concerned about the lack of clarity from the new government over public funding for 'final third' projects. BT's Regional Director revealed that the company had entered into its first local partnership to provide NGA in a non-commercial location, this being with the parish Council in Iwade village in Kent.
Categories: News releases