Spectrum, mobile coverage and illegal file-sharing
08 June 2010
Discussion at the Panel’s May meeting was focused on the key issues of the moment, including spectrum, mobile coverage and illegal file-sharing. Ofcom presented their future spectrum policy and reported on the early finding of their research into mobile coverage. Panel members advised Ofcom to be explicit how their approach to spectrum policy will deliver benefits for consumers and citizens, and supported the development of a framework for analysing consumer and citizen interests. Discussion on mobile coverage looked at the lack of reliable coverage information, and how this puts consumers at a disadvantage. The Panel asked Ofcom to explore coverage solutions as soon as possible and press ahead with gathering, and where possible publishing, accurate operator coverage information. The Panel also discussed the principles that it has developed to guide Ofcom when it draws up the Code of Practice on online copyright infringement (or illegal file sharing) in order to protect consumers.
You can download the minutes of the Panel meetings from our website:
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